my carrd

welcome to my carrd

about me

i go by Cody or Expunged. just pick one and stick with it. I go by Cody irl so i'd recommend that one
I am gay-aromantic, transmasc, ambiamorous, objectum and my pronouns are he/it/xyr/buzz/blip
i have autism, ADHD, anxiety, visual snow, and dermatillomania
I'm really into dave and bambi, TF2, object shows, rain world, shovelware studios, vocaloid, regretevator, ATLA, and star trek (mainly tng)
I'm furry
I live in Virginia, USA
I'm a fictionkin of Expunged from dave and bambi and possibly Unpleasant Gradient idk yet.
I'm also a system of...uh um um 10+???


triggers: loud ringing/beeping and high pitched/scratch noises in general, romanticization of grooming.dni (this only applies to dms, if you're in a server with me and are one of these things you can interact idrc): anti of anything i'm interested in, proship/comship, transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, zoo/zeta, xenophobic, xenogender/neopronoun antis, antikins, nazis (this includes alfred's playhouse fans and labrys/hermes users)BYI:
- i make fun of people (jokingly most of the time)
- i am loud if you ever call me or anything
- i swear if i am allowed to
- i occasionally say slurs that i can reclaim bc i think it's funny
- i make immature jokes (piss and balls)
- not only do i make fun of other people, i make fun of myself! i am not a good person and i am very aware of it!
- ramble about random things or change the conversation topic abruptly
- furry
- there's a lot of things i just hate for no reason, like pjsekai
- i am radinclus